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  • About | St. Moses & St. Katherine Coptic Orthodox Church | Toronto

    About St. Moses & St. Katherine Coptic Orthodox Church Established in 2011, the Church of St. Moses & St. Katherine is a ministry dedicated to the glorification of the Holy Trinity: God the Father, His only begotten Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit the Comforter. This community was founded on three deep-seated values that we embrace every single day —culturally, spiritually, emotionally, rationally. They are: 1. A faithful community to the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, hungry for spiritual growth and desiring to be a healing presence in the neighbourhood. 2. A worshipping community which offers praise, glory, honour, and reverence to God in all things, as is due to Him. 3. A multicultural community ministering to diverse members of the body of Christ holding a myriad of ethnicities, languages, and lived experiences. Missionary in nature, our mission is to spread the Good News throughout Downtown Toronto. We do this by nurturing SMSK into a home for the 'unchurched' and by channeling the love of God in service to our neighbours through humanitarian work. Our Patron Saints St. Moses the Strong 332 - 407 AD, Commemorated on July 1st Born in 332 AD, St. Moses the Strong was a slave of a government official in Egypt who dismissed him for theft and suspected murder. He became the leader of a gang of bandits who roamed the Nile Valley spreading terror and violence. He was a large, imposing figure. Attempting to hide from local authorities, he took shelter with some monks in a monastery in the desert of Scete, near Alexandria. After witnessing their godliness, especially that of St. Isidore who would become his spiritual guide, and experiencing the forgiveness of the Lord Jesus, St. Moses embraced the Living God and soon after gave up his old way of life to join this monastic community. His baptism marked the beginning of a struggle against his former fleshly passions and he had a rather difficult time adjusting to regular monastic discipline. Attacked by a group of robbers in his desert cell, Moses fought back, overpowered the intruders, and dragged them to the chapel where the other monks were at prayer. He told the brothers that he didn't think it Christian to hurt the robbers and asked what he should do with them. The overwhelmed robbers repented, were converted, and themselves joined the community. Read St. Katherine of Alexandria 287 - 305 AD, Commemorated on November 25th St. Katherine was the daughter of Constus, the governor of Alexandrian Egypt during the reign of Emperor Maximian. Living in the capital and possessing a rare beauty and intellect, Katherine received an excellent education, studying the works of the greatest philosophers and teachers of antiquity. Young men from across the empire sought her hand, but she was not interested in any of them, vowing she would only enter into marriage with someone who surpassed her in nobility, wealth, and wisdom. Katherine’s mother, who was secretly a Christian, sent her daughter to her own spiritual Father, a saintly monk living in a cave outside the city. After listening to Katherine, the monk said that he knew of a suitor who surpassed her in everything. “His countenance is more radiant than the shining of the sun, and all of creation is governed by His wisdom. His riches are given to all the nations of the world, yet they never diminish. His compassion is unequaled.” This description of Jesus Christ, the Heavenly Bridegroom, produced in Katherine’s soul an ardent desire to see Him. “If you do as I tell you,” said the monk, “you will gaze upon the countenance of this illustrious man.” Read Moses was zealous in all he did, but became discouraged when he concluded he was not perfect enough. Early one morning, St. Isidore, abbot of the community, took Brother Moses to the roof and together they watched the first rays of dawn come over the horizon. Isidore told Moses, "Only slowly do the rays of the sun drive away the night and usher in a new day, and thus, only slowly does one become a perfect contemplative." They could see below them devils on one side, but innumerable angels on the other side. Understanding that the power of God was triumphant over all other powers, St Moses took courage and returned to his cell. Moses proved to be a compassionate elder. When a brother committed a fault and Moses was invited to a meeting to discuss an appropriate penance, Moses refused to attend. When he was again called to the meeting, Moses took a perforated sack of sand that left a trail as he carried it on his shoulder. When he arrived at the meeting place, the others asked why he was carrying the sack. He replied, "My sins run out behind me and I do not see them, but today I am coming to judge the errors of another." On hearing this, the assembled brothers forgave the erring monk. Moses became the spiritual leader of over 70+ hermits in the desert. At about age 75, word came that a group of renegades planned to attack the colony. The brothers wanted to defend themselves, but Moses forbade it. He told them to retreat, rather than take up weapons. He and seven others remained behind and greeted the invaders with open arms, but all eight were martyred by the bandits. We pray to Abba Moses for his intercession. In parting, the monk handed Katherine an icon of the Theotokos with the divine Child Jesus on Her arm and told her to pray with faith to the Queen of Heaven to be granted her heart’s desire. Katherine prayed all night and was permitted to see the Most Holy Virgin, who said to Her Divine Son, “Behold Thy handmaiden Katherine, how fair and virtuous she is.” But the Child turned His face away from her saying, “No, she is ugly and unbelieving. She is a foolish pauper, and I cannot bear to look at her until she forsakes her impiety.” Katherine returned again to the monk deeply saddened, and told him what she had seen in the dream. He lovingly received her, instructed her in the faith of Christ, admonished her to preserve her purity and integrity and to pray unceasingly. She then received holy Baptism from him. Again, Katherine had a vision of the Most Holy Theotokos with Her Child. Now the Lord looked tenderly at her and gave her a beautiful ring, a wondrous token of her betrothal to the Heavenly Bridegroom. About this same time, Emperor Maximian was visiting Alexandria for a pagan festival. Human victims who refused to deny Christ were brought before him and were condemned to death in the fire. Katherine’s love for the Christian martyrs and her fervent desire to ease their sufferings compelled her to speak to the pagan priest and to the emperor. Introducing herself, she confessed her faith in the One True God. Katherine’s beauty captivated the emperor. In order to show the superiority of pagan wisdom, the emperor ordered fifty of the most learned philosophers in the empire to dispute her claims, but the saint got the better of the wise men, so that they came to believe in Christ themselves. St. Katherine made the Sign of the Cross over the martyrs, and they bravely accepted death for Christ, being burned alive by order of the emperor. Maximian then tried to entice Katherine with the promise of riches and fame. Receiving an angry refusal, the emperor gave orders that she be tortured and then thrown in prison. On the following day, Katherine was again ordered before the judgment court where, under the threat of being broken on the wheel, she was urged to renounce the Christian Faith and offer sacrifice to the gods. She steadfastly confessed Christ and approached the wheel, but an angel smashed the instrument of execution, which shattered into pieces. Having witnessed this event, Empress Augusta and Imperial Courtier Porphyrius with 200 soldiers confessed their faith in Christ in front of everyone. Upon her husband’s orders, Empress Augusta and the others were beheaded. Maximian again tried to entice Katherine, proposing marriage to her, but again she refused. St. Katherine firmly confessed her fidelity to the heavenly Bridegroom Christ, and with a prayer to Him, she herself lay her head on the block beneath the executioner's sword. She was martyred at the age of 25. Meet Our Staff Priest and Lead Pastor Fr. John Boutros Fr John Boutros is priest of a young downtown church in Toronto, Canada, St Moses & St Katherine Coptic Orthodox Church. Fr John met the girl of his dreams, Mary, and was married in 2011, and is now daddy to Anastasia, Zoë and Élise. Ordained in July 2012, he was previously a paediatric surgeon. Now, Fr John serves a wide-variety of urban dwellers, students, and young professionals. Fr John is equally passionate for the marginalized, the poor, and those who have no one. Being in a community of disciples of Jesus, steeped in ancient faith and Orthodoxy, rooted in Coptic heritage, we live to incarnate God’s love in a metropolitan setting. News Anchor & Content Curator Sandra Abdel Malek Sandra has been passionately serving with and leading the Aroland Mission team for over a decade. She has as very gentle, loving heart for the disenfranchised, combined with creative flair. Operations Manager Mira Vuletic Mira Vuletic has a passion for serving others; It's her love language. A mom of three and a wife of one, she feels beyond blessed that she landed at SMSK as her home church for over 6 years. She is thrilled to be working in an operations role reporting into the Big Man upstairs. Steward of Community Ministries Hanan Sunbaty Hanan joined SMSK and became an active member on Jan 6, 2014. Her professional experience is in banking, insurance products and marketing. Hanan is a people person, with so much love to give because everyone has the image of God in him; everyone has something special to give. Her joy is in people and with people. When in her own, she enjoys books, financial discussions, biking, politics (knowing only), swimming, water and forests, and hiking. Finance Director Nany Giurguis Nany is blessed to be able to serve SMSK as the Finance Director. A certified accountant by trade, she brings a wealth of experience and expertise and manages all the day to day finances of the church. Reach out to her at Custodian Christian Peralta A Short History on the Coptic Orthodox Church The word “Copt” is derived from the Greek word “Aegyptus”, meaning "Egypt." The Copts are the direct descendants of the ancient Egyptians. St. Mark, a disciple of African origin and the writer of the earliest Gospel, came to Egypt preaching salvation in the dawn of the Christian faith. He arrived in Alexandria around the year 48 A.D. and was martyred in 68 A.D. In that short period. St. Mark was able to witness to the faith and founded the Church in Egypt. Since that time, Christianity spread like fire throughout the country. The main reason for this was the fact that the Egyptians have always been a religiously minded people, having certain tenets and beliefs, which later were identified with the teachings of the Christian religion. Throughout history, the Coptic Church played quite a significant role in shaping and defining Christian doctrines. The contribution of the Coptic Church to world Christianity can be briefly summarized in the following five epochs: Theological Scholarship; Ecumenism; Martyrdom; Monasticism; and Missions. The Orthodox Creed We believe in one God; God the Father the Pantocrator, Who created heaven and earth, and all things seen and unseen. We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the Only-Begotten Son of God, begotten of the Father before all ages. Light of Light; True God of True God, begotten, not created; of One Essence with the Father, by whom all things were made; who for us, men, and for our salvation, came down from heaven, and was incarnate of the Holy Spirit and of the Virgin Mary, and became Man. And He was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate; suffered, and was buried. And the third day He rose from the dead, according to the Scriptures. He ascended into the heavens; He sits at the right hand of His Father; and He is coming again in His glory to judge the living and the dead; Whose Kingdom shall have no end. Yes, we believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the Giver of Life; who proceeds from the Father; who, with the Father and the Son, is worshipped and glorified; who spoke by the prophets And in one, holy, catholic, and apostolic church, we confess one baptism for the remission of sins. We look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the coming age. Amen.

  • Toronto Area | SMSK

    We're glad you're here Let's help you plan a visit or take the best next step. Planning a first-time visit? We'd love to help. Connect With Us. Learn about opportunities and receive helpful resources. Connect with others Meet with other local congregants. Looking to grow your faith? Get a personalized plan Got questions? We'd love to help. Contact us. First Name Last Name Email Phone Question / Comment Submit Form Thanks for submitting!

  • Young Adult | St. Moses & St. Katherine Coptic Orthodox Church | Toronto

    Young Adults @ SMSK A ministry of love, integration, and outreach. Welcome to the Young Adults Ministry at SMSK! Beginning your career in the big city can be slightly intimidating, especially when you're still learning how to adult. At SMSK, we're here to help you get plugged into community, truly feel at home, and make SMSK your home. Life Groups at SMSK You're not meant to do life alone. Life groups at SMSK ensure that you're surrounded with community as you traverse the peaks and valleys of this beautiful life. We meet Tuesday nights at SMSK. For more information on how you can join a life group, please reach out to Dena Marcos at Thursday Night Dinners Can't get enough of deep, Christ-centered discussions? Join us on Thursday nights, where we gather together for a meal, receive a spiritual word from a speaker, followed by dynamic small-group discussions. For more information, please contact Ebram Ayad & Sandra Abdelmalek at Campfire Nights It's a Monday evening in the summer, and the weather is perfect for a social gathering. If only there were a place you could go for a cozy evening bonfire...Look no further than "Campfire Nights" by OCSA. Join us for a spiritual word, snacks, and fellowship. For more information, please contact

  • High School | St. Moses & St. Katherine Coptic Orthodox Church | Toronto

    HIGH SCHOOL An environment designed with 9-12th grade students in mind. AUTHENTIC FRIENDSHIPS. POSITIVE ROLE MODELS. A PLACE WHERE YOU BELONG. The Coptic church spans the world There is probably a local church in your area Welcome to InsideOut, our ministry designed specifically for 9–12th grade students! InsideOut meets weekly at 4:30 p.m. in the Theater. Join us for a live band, practical teaching and guided group discussion. InsideOut small groups are led by adults committed to equipping students to successfully navigate high school and develop a faith of their own. If you need assistance joining a group, please email us. Opportunities to Serve FOOD AND FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE Resources for those experiencing hardship Emotional Support Resources to manage anxiety and stress Recovery Support on the journey to recovery Counseling Referrals Trusted professional counselors Career Assistance Help in the midst of career transition What's Happening in InsideOut FOOD AND FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE Resources for those experiencing hardship Student Impact Serving the church Join the team Volunteers makes Inside out possible Baptism in inside out An opportunity to show what God has done Stay Informed Subscribe to our mailing list High School mile makers Shared experience for parents and students Connect with other parents Join our parent facebook group Explore ways to serve others and find resources for you. October A Grown-Up’s Guide to Kids’ Wiring October 7, 2021 – November 7, 2021 A Digital Event with Kathleen Edelman Join us as we sit down with author and temperament coach Kathleen Edelman. November Become a Volunteer October 22, 2021 – November 12, 2021 St Moses & St Katherine Church Learn more about our top three current volunteer roles. Become a Volunteer October 22, 2021 – November 12, 2021 St Moses & St Katherine Church Learn more about our top three current volunteer roles. Stay Connected Throughout the Week Other Environments for Kids and Students Middle School Student who have faith of their own Elementary School Preparing kids to take on high roads High School Positive influences and good friends

  • Outside Toronto | SMSK

    WE'RE GLAD YOU'RE HERE Let us help you get access to online resources available 24/7. Explore your local Coptic church Find a Coptic church near you, using this extensive directory Connect with us Reach out to us to stay connected. Explore our content online Watch new videos added weekly Join us Sunday Watch online at 9:00am and 11:00am Want to connect with God? We'll direct you to the right resources. Got questions? We'd love to help. Contact us. First Name Last Name Email Phone Question / Comment SUBMIT FORM Thanks for submitting!

  • Join a team | SMSK

    VOLUNTEER The best way to make North Point Community Church feel like your church. Join a team. Serving is a great way to get connected with others and make a difference. It's also a great way to make a big church feel like your church. Opportunities to Serve Guest services for volunteer Parking Team, greeters and ushers for Adult Services Waumba land Ages 6 weeks - Pre K Upstreet Ages kindergarten to 5th grade Transit Grade 6th to 8th Inside out Grade 9th to 12th Opportunities to Serve Mentoring volunteers Leverage your experience to guide others through transition. Adult group services Experience first hand how leading a group can change your life Volunteer in the community Have a real life impact on the people in your own neighborhood Volunteer around the world Serving at risk communities around the world

  • Alpha | SMSK

    Share life, faith, hope and Jesus at Alpha . Alpha is an 11-week course that creates a space, online or in person, where people are excited to bring their friends for a conversation about life, faith and Jesus. What is Alpha? Alpha is a way to inspire and equip churches to create a space where people from any background can encounter Jesus. The same Alpha content is run all over the world, by Christians of all traditions, and provides a common expression of faith. What does an Alpha Session look like? 1 Connection At each 2-2.5 hour session, there is a time of connection over refreshments and/or drinks, where possible. 2 Content The time of connection is followed by a talk on a subject central to the Christian faith. They explore the big issues of life and faith and unpack the basics of Christian belief, addressing questions like “Who is Jesus?”, “Why and how do I pray?” and “How does God guide us?” 3 Conversation After the talk, participants divide into pre-arranged small groups, in which they remain for the duration of the Alpha course. The groups provide participants with opportunity to discuss the talk in an environment where each person is free to ask or say whatever they wish. What topics does Alpha cover? Is there more to life than this? Who is Jesus? Why did Jesus die? How can I have faith? Why and how do I pray? Why and how do I read the Bible? How does God guide us? Who is the Holy Spirit? What does the Holy Spirit do? How can I be filled with the Holy Spirit? How can I make the most of the rest of my life? How can I resist evil? Why and how should I tell others? Does God heal today? What about the Church? Join Us! Email us at

  • Pre-school | St. Moses & St. Katherine Coptic Orthodox Church | Toronto

    PRE-SCHOOL An environment designed with children ages six weeks–Pre-K in mind. Welcome to SMSK kids where kids can learn about Christ and incorporate Him on the playground at school and their everyday life. Join us for Sundayschool after liturgy during Fr. John’s sermon. Parents can grab a cup of coffee before heading back to pick up their kids as they wrap up a cool craft to take home! We’re so happy you can join us to illuminate the light in their inner candle so that your kids may bring glory to His name! We love you and can’t wait to have you join our family. TEACHING ABOUT GOD IN A FUN AND ENGAGING WAY. Your preschooler can plan on lots of singing, dancing, and learning every week. WATCH ONLINE We've designed our content with preschoolers in mind. Catch up on past videos you missed or watch them again! Parenting is an important job! You want to get it right and raise great kids. We want to help! We have a plan to help every child discover God, no matter their age! Your child will learn: God MADE me. God LOVES me. Jesus wants to be my FRIEND forever. This month in Waumba Land, your child is learning . . . Conversation Card Prompts for conversation between yourself and your kiddo! Verse Cling Put this verse up in a place where you and your child see it every day! Here's how to start your journey. Fun Music Video Get ready to clap, dance and spin Raising Grateful Preschooler Teach your child about gratitude Make Obedience Stick Helping your kids obey right away Stay Connected Follow us on instagram For Parents Resources and opportuinites Waumba land is on Youtube Good, Safe FUN! This month in Waumba Land, your child is learning . . . Join Our Team We are looking for great people who want to have FUN Have Questions? We'd love to help Here's how to start your journey. Middle School Student who have faith of their own Elementary School Preparing kids to take on high roads High School Positive influences and good friends

  • Student | SMSK

    Student Services @ SMSK A ministry of love, integration, and outreach. Welcome to Student Services at St. Moses & St. Katherine Coptic Orthodox Church! Nestled in the heart of downtown Toronto, with an ever-growing student population, SMSK is here to serve you during your studies, and beyond. Orthodox Christian Students' Association (OCSA) The Orthodox Christian Students' Association (OCSA) services activities for students, by students, on or near campus. OCSA services the University of Toronto, Toronto Metropolitan University, OCAD University, and George Brown College. OCSA services include: socials, sandwich runs, Study Hall, on campus liturgies, Bible Study, prayer groups, and Life Groups. For more information, please. contact SMSK University/College Ministry In addition to OCSA, SMSK also has its own university and college ministry, which meets on a weekly basis. This ministry is ideal for students who live downtown, students who consider SMSK their home church, and anyone else who would like to attend. In addition to weekly meetings, SMSK's university & college ministry also plans regular student socials, overnight trips, retreats, day trips, and much more! For more information, please contact Mark Eskandar, or Mary Arsanious. SHIP (On-Campus Evangelism Ministry) Ever felt an urge to share the gospel with your fellow student? Do you yearn to provide your classmates with the answers to life's burning questions, for which they so desperately search? SHIP might be the right ministry for you. SHIP is SMSK's on-campus evangelism and community building ministry. For more information, please contact

  • Committed Relationship | St. Moses & St. Katherine Coptic Orthodox Church

    Couples @ SMSK A ministry of love, integration, and outreach. Welcome to Couples at SMSK. Whether you're in a committed relationship trending towards marriage, or parents of children, this page is help to you find the resources that are appropriate for the current stage of your romantic relationship. Engaged Congratulations! You've found the love of your life, and you're ready to take the next steps towards marriage. Here at SMSK, we offer a 5-week Marriage Preparation course, which is mandatory in order to get married in the Coptic Orthodox Church. Delve into engaging - no pun intended- discussions with your significant other, and enjoy an end-of-series ballroom dance lesson taught by a professional! For more information on how you can enroll in the Marriage Preparation course, please reach out to Niveen and Peter Fanous at Married Congratulations! You're bringing God's Kingdom here on earth with your spouse, through your own little church at home. To assist you in keeping your marriage firmly stayed upon the foundation of Jesus Christ, SMSK offers married couples the Marriage Course. This course is complementary to Marriage Preparation, and takes a deeper dive into the topics covered therein. For more information on how to enrol in the Marriage Course, please contact Mona & Eddie Gobran at In addition to the Marriage Course, SMSK also offers Christian Couples' Counselling. For more information on how you can enrol in Christian Couples' Counselling, please contact Fr. John Boutros at Parent Congratulations! You now have some children of your own, and you aim to raise them up with Christian values. In a world where parents are constantly inundated with contradicting information about child-rearing, we're here to help you tune out the noise. SMSK offers parenting courses with the aim of equipping you to raise your children with ancient wisdom that has withstood the test of time. For more information on how you can join a parenting course, please reach out to Mary Boutros at We also have Parenting Life Groups, where you can meet other parents, and support one another as you embark on the one of the most important roles of your life. It takes a village. For more information on how you can join a parenting life group, please reach out to Mary Boutros at

  • Elementary School | St. Moses & St. Katherine Coptic Orthodox Church | Toronto

    ELEMENTARY SCHOOL An environment designed with your elementary aged student in mind. Welcome to SMSK kids where kids can learn about Christ and incorporate Him on the playground at school and their everyday life. Join us for Sundayschool after liturgy during Fr. John’s sermon. Parents can grab a cup of coffee before heading back to pick up their kids as they wrap up a cool craft to take home! We’re so happy you can join us to illuminate the light in their inner candle so that your kids may bring glory to His name! We love you and can’t wait to have you join our family. HELPING YOU RAISE GREAT KIDS UpStreet is preparing kids for the road ahead. WATCH ONLINE We've designed our content with preschoolers in mind. Catch up on past videos you missed or watch them again! Parenting is an important job. You want to get it right, and we want to help! UpStreet is preparing kids for the road ahead. Your child will learn: That God loves them. They can trust him no matter what. They should love others like Jesus loves them. Here's how to start your journey. The Family Prayer App Take bedtime prayers to the next level What's the word poster Learn Upstreet's verse of the Month of Nov Jump Start A conversation about faith Keep UP with Upstreet Music Subscribe to our Spotify Playlist Stay Connected Follow us on Instagram For Parents Resources and Opportunities to connect This month in Waumba Land, your child is learning . . . Join Our Team We are looking for great people who want to have FUN Have Questions? We'd love to help Here's how to start your journey. Middle School Student who have faith of their own Elementary School Preparing kids to take on high roads High School Positive influences and good friends

  • St Moses & St Katherine Church | SMSK | Toronto

    HOME I'M NEW WATCH ABOUT CALENDAR SERVICES EXPLORE DONATE CONTACT More Experience true freedom by cultivating your identity in Christ. Connect With Us Unable to attend? Watch from the comfort of your home. WATCH HERE Who Are We? St. Moses & St. Katherine Coptic Orthodox Church is part of the greater Coptic– also known as Egyptian– Orthodox Church, which was established by St. Mark, the apostle and gospel writer. SMSK was established in Downtown Toronto in 2011, with the mission of helping you wield the enduring power of an ancient faith while navigating a modern world. Button Sundays aren't only about worship — get 'fed' through our Sunday Series talks. Sunday Series Every week after liturgy, Father John shares a homily on a relevant, and timely spiritual topic over an 'agape' – also understood as "communal" – meal. Pre-School Middle School Elementary School High School Start your journey at SMSK: Join Us Sunday Experience the Divine Liturgy, participate in Coptic Orthodox worship, and enjoy a Sunday Series talk. Connect with Fr. John Book a confession appointment, a home blessing, or other spiritual service with Fr. John. Join a local 'village' Get together with other local congregants for casual outings and much-needed fellowship. Ready to change your life? Join us for an 11 week course. Find services aligned to your stage of life. Students Connect with post-secondary students and graduates. Young Adults Meet young professionals, like yourself. Committed Relationship Build community with other couples. Ready to change your life? Join us on Sunday! Get involved, or find helpful resources. Serve our community Helping hands are always needed, so explore available volunteer opportunities. Join one of our ministries Want to get involved in an impactful way? Commit to a ministry you find meaningful. Get support for life transitions Find out how to get connected with a mentor and get enrolled in "life resources," like marriage preparation Ready to change your life? Join us on Sunday! Anchor 1 SMSK — A ministry of love, outreach, and integration in the inner city of Toronto. Established in 2011, the Church of St. Moses & St. Katherine is a ministry dedicated to the glorification of the Holy Trinity: God the Father, His only begotten Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit the Comforter. This community was founded on three deep-seated values that we embrace every single day —culturally, spiritually, emotionally, rationally. They are: 1. A faithful community to the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, hungry for spiritual growth and desiring to be a healing presence in the neighbourhood. 2. A worshipping community which offers praise, glory, honour, and reverence to God in all things, as is due to Him. 3. A multicultural community ministering to diverse members of the body of Christ, holding a myriad of ethnicities, languages, and lived experiences. Missionary in nature, our mission is to spread the Good News throughout Downtown Toronto. We do this by nurturing SMSK into a home for the 'unchurched,' and by channeling the love of God in service to our neighbours through humanitarian work. Follow us on our social media channels, and engage in compelling content throughout the day: Don’t miss a beat—discover upcoming events and add them to your calendar. Calendar CONNECT WITH US Stay informed. Stay Connected. Get notified of upcoming events, important announcements, and so much more when you sign up to receive communications from us. Email First Name Last Name Phone Select an option Metro Toronto Area Greater Toronto Area (GTA) Choose your pizza toppings: Message series, events, and general information Events and opportunities for parents Events and opportunities for single adults Events and opportunities for married couples Events and opportunities for young adults Marriage Preparation Course High School Ministry Middle School Ministry Kids' Ministry Subscribe Thanks for submitting! Location St Moses & St Katherine Coptic Orthodox Church 557 Bathurst Street Toronto M5S 2P8 Sundays 9:00 to 11:00 am Wednesdays 6:00 to 8:00 am


St Moses & St Katherine Coptic Orthodox Church
557 Bathurst Street
M5S 2P8

Sunday Liturgy

09:00 am to 11:00 am

Wednesday Liturgy

06:00 am to 08:00 am

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