Couples @ SMSK
A ministry of love, integration, and outreach.
Welcome to Couples at SMSK. Whether you're in a committed relationship trending towards marriage, or parents of children, this page is help to you find the resources that are appropriate for the current stage of your romantic relationship.

Congratulations! You've found the love of your life, and you're ready to take the next steps towards marriage. Here at SMSK, we offer a 5-week Marriage Preparation course, which is mandatory in order to get married in the Coptic Orthodox Church. Delve into engaging - no pun intended- discussions with your significant other, and enjoy an end-of-series ballroom dance lesson taught by a professional!
For more information on how you can enroll in the Marriage Preparation course, please reach out to
Niveen and Peter Fanous at relationships@smsk.ca

Congratulations! You're bringing God's Kingdom here on earth with your spouse, through your own little church at home. To assist you in keeping your marriage firmly stayed upon the foundation of Jesus Christ, SMSK offers married couples the Marriage Course. This course is complementary to Marriage Preparation, and takes a deeper dive into the topics covered therein.
For more information on how to enrol in the Marriage Course, please contact Mona & Eddie Gobran at relationships@smsk.ca
In addition to the Marriage Course, SMSK also offers Christian Couples' Counselling.
For more information on how you can enrol in Christian Couples' Counselling, please contact Fr. John Boutros at Frjohn@smsk.ca

Congratulations! You now have some children of your own, and you aim to raise them up with Christian values. In a world where parents are constantly inundated with contradicting information about child-rearing, we're here to help you tune out the noise. SMSK offers parenting courses with the aim of equipping you to raise your children with ancient wisdom that has withstood the test of time.
For more information on how you can join a parenting course, please reach out to Mary Boutros at mary@smsk.ca
We also have Parenting Life Groups, where you can meet other parents, and support one another as you embark on the one of the most important roles of your life. It takes a village.
For more information on how you can join a parenting life group, please reach out to Mary Boutros at mary@smsk.ca