An environment designed with your elementary aged student in mind.
Welcome to SMSK kids where kids can learn about Christ and incorporate Him on the playground at school and their everyday life.
Join us for Sundayschool after liturgy during Fr. John’s sermon. Parents can grab a cup of coffee before heading back to pick up their kids as they wrap up a cool craft to take home!
We’re so happy you can join us to illuminate the light in their inner candle so that your kids may bring glory to His name! We love you and can’t wait to have you join our family.
UpStreet is preparing kids for the road ahead.
We've designed our content with preschoolers in mind. Catch up on past videos you missed or watch them again!
Parenting is an important job.
You want to get it right, and we want to help!
UpStreet is preparing kids for the road ahead.
Your child will learn:
That God loves them.
They can trust him no matter what.
They should love others like Jesus loves them.
Here's how to start your journey.
The Family Prayer App
Take bedtime prayers to the next level
What's the word poster
Learn Upstreet's verse of the Month of Nov
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A conversation about faith
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For Parents
Resources and Opportunities to connect
This month in Waumba Land, your child is learning . . .
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We are looking for great people who want to have FUN
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We'd love to help
Here's how to start your journey.
Middle School
Student who have faith of their own
Elementary School
Preparing kids to take on high roads
High School
Positive influences and good friends